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2020-06-30 00:56:00


About the importance of translation, German writer and thinker Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe once said, “We should think of every translator this way: he is endeavoring to be a mediator in the spiritual exchange which has universal meaning and taking it as his responsibility to promote this exchange. Within the widespread international communication, no matter how much insufficiency we can illustrate about literature translation, translation work is and will always be one of the weightiest and noblest undertakings for humanity.” He even thought that “every translator can be regarded as a prophet in the midst of his own people."


Reviewing the development process of the Eastern and Western civilizations and examining the connection between the development trend of civilizations and translation activities, we can detect that translation has gone through three stages, i.e. the translation of religious scriptures, the translation of the humanistic works and the translation of practical documents. 



For Chinese society, the translation of religious scriptures is epitomized by the translation of Buddhist scriptures. The earliest Buddhist scripture translated into Chinese by Kasyapa Matanga and Gobharana was The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters in 67 BCE, the tenth year of the reign of Emperor Ming in the Han Dynasty. From then until the late years of the Song Dynasty, the translation of Buddhist classics lasted in China for over a thousand years, witnessing the emergence of many great translators including Kumarajiva, Xuanzang, Yijing, Amoghavajra, etc. According to A General Catalogue of Collated Buddhist Classics of the Zhiyuan Period of Yuan Dynasty, the translated scriptures totaled 1,440 series, i.e. 5,580 volumes. While enriching the spiritual resource of Chinese civilization and infusing Chinese culture with fresh blood, the translated Buddhist classics, together with Confucianism and Taoism, have virtually remodeled the character of the Chinese nation. Since the end of the 19th century, as Western powers opened the gate of China, the humanistic works from the West have become the main subjects of translation. The profound encounter between Chinese and Western civilizations invigorated the Chinese creativity. After the founding of New China, especially after reform and opening-up, the translation of practical documents in science and technology, economy, politics, military affairs, and diplomacy has occupied the dominant position. 


While an unprecedentedly rapid progress has been made in science, technology and economy, global challenges in the modern society become increasingly severe. Problems such as environmental pollution, natural disasters, disease and epidemics, wealth gap, ethnic conflicts, social instability and economic crisis have spread beyond national borders, calling for united efforts of the whole humanity. We should not only grope the way forward by practice, but also discover the ancient wisdom in the several-thousand-year long religious traditions. Therefore, worldwide translation and circulation of religious scriptures are likely to reclaim the mainstream of international translation. 


As one of the three major religions in the world, Buddhism has rich thinking and distinctive practical approaches to understanding and handling various social and life problems, all included in the vast sea of Buddhist scriptures. After the 12th century, Buddhism disappeared from India with few Sanskrit scriptures remaining there. Fortunately, during its developing process, Buddhism entered Sri Lanka around the 3rd century B.C. and from there to other Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and Burma, thus forming Pali Buddhism. Around the first century A.D., Buddhism spread to the Central Plains of China, and from there to other East Asian countries such as Korea and Japan, and then Han Buddhism came into being. About the seventh century, Buddhism went into Tibet and then from there into Mongolia. That is how Tibetan Buddhism took shape. These three periods also represent three phases of the development of Buddhism, namely, Theravada Buddhism, Exoteric Mahayana Buddhism and Esoteric Mahayana Buddhism. Therefore, only after a comprehensive study of Buddhist scriptures in the three languages, by translating, comparing, and collating the Pali, Chinese and Tibetan canons, can all Buddhist scriptures be fully presented. Unfortunately, up to now only Pali Canon was translated into Chinese from Japanese. It's imperative to begin the collation and translation of canons between other languages as soon as possible. 





