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《翻译的基本知识》- ​英文长句的译法

2020-06-24 00:55:00

我们从Everyman Library 或The World’s Classics 中取出以年代为顺序的英国代表散文选来读的时候,便可发觉英文造句的变迁,以前流行写很长的句子,现在却倾向于简化了。我们的生活,一天天的繁忙起来,没有前人那样悠闲自在;从前从欧洲到亚洲,要走上十几年才走得到,现在抵消一两天工夫就行了。一切都缩短了,英文的造句也不在例外,以前一个句子长达三百字以上,常常一页书只有一句,并不算什么稀奇。至于一百多字长的句子,更是俯拾皆是。


例如约摸在二百年前出版的Lawrence Sterne 著The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy 一书,我们就可以在其中读到一百四十五字长的如下的文句:


I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when they begot me; had they duly considered how much de pended upon what they were then doing;—that not only the production of a rational being was concerned in it, but that possibly the happy formation and temperature of his body, perhaps his genius and the very cast of his mind;—and, for aught they knew to the contrary, even the fortunes of his whole house might take their turn from the humours and dispositions which were then uppermost;—had they duly weighed and considered all this, and proceeded accordingly, I am verily persuaded I snould have made a quite different figure in the world, from that in which the reader is likely to see me. 






据R. Flesch 的研究,伊利莎白时代的文句,长度平均是四十五字,维多利亚时代平均是二十九字,到现代便只有十几二十字了。文章要使人容易了解,最要紧的条件,就是句子要短,每句不到十九个字的句子,是最容易了解的,二十八字以上的句子就相当费解了。


现代的文人不愿咬文嚼字,故意矫揉造作,只求平易通达,所以都是用的短句,例如美国的大作家海明威(Ernest Hcmingway)所写的短篇Cat in the Rain 起头的一节:


There were only two Americans stopping at the hotel. They did not know any of the people they passed on the stairs on their way to and from their room. Theif room was on the second floor facing the sea. It also faced the public garden and the war monument. There were big palms and green benches in the public garden. In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel. Artists liked the way the palms grew and the bright colours of the hotels facing the gardens and the sea. Italians came from a long way off to look up at the war monument. It was made of bronze and glistened in the rain. It was raining. The rain dripped from the palm trees. Water stood in pools on the gravel paths. 




海明威的文章平均每句只有十一个字,正是所谓tough style(吃力的文体)。除了必要的以外,决不加修饰语句,俾可给读者一个正确而简明的印象。在上面这十二个句子当中,有九句是单句,只有两句是复句,一句是合句。就是那复句也都把其中的关系代名词省略掉了(即any of the people(that)they passed 及liked the way(in which)the palms grew)。


反之,我们看Sterne 的那个长句中,竟用了九个之多的连词,都是把从属子句连在主句上的,这样的主从关系,便叫作hypotaxis(从属);与此相反的便叫作parataxis(并列),如罗马皇帝的名句I came, I saw, I conquered. (我来了,我看见了,我征服了。)


文章之难于了解,不仅是在其太长,而且是在从属舆并列的关系太复杂。原来古代的英语只有并列,后来因人的思想愈趋复杂,便发展到微妙的从属关系了。例如古人说I know that:he is honest. (句中that 为指示代名词)。今人说I know that he is honest. (句中的that 便成为连词了)。古人说Had I the time? I would go. (前句原是问句)。今人说Had I the time(= If I had the time),I would go(前句成为假定句了)。由此可见从并列进展到从属的过程和迹象了。


中英文法不同,表现方法亦异。一般而论,中文简洁而英文繁复。中文一字一义,至多一辞一义,而英文则常用冗长的修饰句来表达一个意思,所以英文每多长句。严几道在“天演论”例言中说:“西文句中名物字多随举随释……少者二三字,多者数十百言。”他所指的就是说英文中的形容词子句或分词片语等,那些修饰语每置于其所形容的名词之后,用which, who, that 等关系代名词引道,少则二三字,多则几十字或上百字,使得英文句子愈拉愈长。严氏又下断话说:“假今仿此为译,则恐必不可通。”所以我们翻译这些像一列火车似的英文长句,必须把它切断来译,才可使之成为通顺的中文。切断的方法很多,现就其重要者,例解如下:




Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their authors’minds ages ago. 





The pale old man was calmly sitting in the in convenient little back room which the household was taught to call his study, when the smiling face of the housemaid appeared at the door, holding a slip of paper in her hand. 





In the life of a healthy youth there must be opportunities for physical daring and endurance, especiatly in such an age as ours when there is nothing compulsory to call out the reserves of physical power in the lives of young men. 





The president, in giving to his most powerful and most distinguished rival the greatest place which a president ever has it in his power to bestow, gave an excellent proof of the nobleness of his own spirit. 





It was pleasant to review the past without anger or bitterness, although God knows he had cause enough for bitterness; the Theatre going to the dogs as it was and all these inexperienced muttering young actors playing leading parts in the West End. 










