咨询热线: 400-9696-210

译词 - 一周热词:朝韩首脑会面、“隐形贫困人口”、凯特王妃产子…

2020-04-01 00:53:00



1. 金正恩文在寅历史性会面

2. 首届数字中国建设峰会举行

3. 上合组织成员国防长会议举行

4. 32名中国游客在朝鲜交通事故遇难

5. 第八届北京国际电影节举办


7. 凯特王妃产子

8. 伊丽莎白二世庆92岁生日




Kim Jong Un, Moon hold historic meeting





South Korean President Moon Jae-in arrived Friday morning in the border village of Panmunjom for his first summit with Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).



Moon's motorcade came to the South Korean side of Panmunjom around 30 minutes before Kim's scheduled arrival in the border village at 9:30 a.m. local time (0030 GMT).



The Moon-Kim summit is to be held at Peace House, a three-story building on the South Korean side of the truce village. Kim would become the first DPRK leader to step onto South Korean soil since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War.



The first and second inter-Korean summits were held in Pyongyang, the DPRK capital, in 2000 and 2007, respectively.



Kim left Pyongyang for Panmunjom earlier in the day to attend the summit, according to the DPRK's Korean Central News Agency.




Panmunjom [,pa:n,mun'dʒʌm]  板门店(位于首尔往北50公里处的韩朝边界)

the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)  朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(朝鲜)

motorcade  汽车行列,车队

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)  格林威治标准时间

truce  n. 停战;休战;休战协定 v. 以休战结束;停止争执;停战

inter-Korean  朝韩之间

Pyongyang ['pjʌŋjɑ:ŋ]  平壤





Digital China Summit




The first Digital China Summit opened in Fuzhou, capital of east China's Fujian Province, on Sunday, as an extra push for the boom in digital development. About 800 people, including officials, representatives of industrial organizations and experts, attended the summit, which ran for three days until April 24. 



Chinese President Xi Jinping called for fostering new driving forces through informatization to promote new development and make new achievements. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a congratulatory letter sent to the summit.



Digitalization, networking and the application of intelligent technologies, which have been greatly developed, are playing more and more important roles in promoting social and economic development, modernizing China's governance system and capacity, and meeting the people's ever-growing needs for a better life, he said in the letter. 



Xi noted that the summit will show China's latest achievements in developing e-governance and the digital economy. It will also enable people to exchange experience and perspectives about building a digital China, and help further build consensus. The summit will stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all sectors of society to build a digital China, as well as make informatization bring more benefits to the society and the people, he said. 




driving force  驱动力

congratulatory letter  贺信

e-governance  电子政务

digital economy  数字经济





SCO defense ministers meeting 




The joint communiqué of the Defense Ministers' Meeting of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was released Wednesday.



Held on Tuesday in Beijing, the meeting saw the ministers exchange views on the current international and regional security situation, further enhancing practical cooperation in defense and security fields among the SCO member states and other issues of common interest. They reached broad common understanding.



The defense ministers pointed out that peace and development remained the theme of the time, while the destabilizing and uncertain factors of the world were increasingly outstanding. They agreed that fighting terrorism, extremism and separatism, and strengthening regional peace, security and stability were the priority tasks of the SCO members.



"New thinking on common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security should be fostered to strengthen the defense and security cooperation by the organization," according to the communiqué. "SCO members should also be committed to creating favorable security environment for the connectivity of the development strategies of the countries, facilitate the efforts to build a community with a shared future for humanity, and a fair and stable multi-polarized world."



Defense ministers from India and Kazakhstan, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe, and defense ministers from Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan attended the meeting. The chief of the general staff of the Kyrgyz Republic attended the meeting. The defense minister of Belarus attended the meeting as the chairman country guest.



They decided that the 2019 defense ministers' meeting of the SCO member states would be held in the Kyrgyz Republic, according to the communiqué.




joint communiqué  联合公报

SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization)  上海合作组织

member state  成员国

practical cooperation  务实合作

theme of the time  时代主题

multi-polarized world  多极世界

favorable environment  良好环境

a community with a shared future for humanity  人类命运共同体

state councilor  国务委员





North Korea traffic accident




As many as 32 Chinese tourists were killed in a bus crash in North Korea Sunday night, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed.



A further four North Koreans also died in the accident, according to Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang. The crash took place in North Korea’s North Hwanghae province, to the south of the capital Pyongyang.



Chinese visitors account for the vast majority of all foreign tourists to North Korea, with many traveling across the border from the Chinese city of Dandong.



By midday Monday the Ministry had dispatched a team of medics to North Korea to assist in rescue efforts and treatment. Two Chinese nationals injured in the accident remain in critical condition.



The spokesman did not comment on the details of how the accident happened but said it was being investigated and China remained in close communication with the North Korean side.




account for  对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因;导致;(比例)占

Ministry of Foreign Affairs  外交部

spokesman  发言人;代言人

vast majority  绝大部分,绝大多数

dispatch  n.派遣;急件  vt.派遣;分派

critical condition  [物] 临界条件;危笃状态





8th Beijing International Film Festival




“Scary Mother,” a Georgian-Estonian drama about a woman who chooses to follow her passion for writing, putting it ahead of her family, was named as the best picture at the 8th Beijing International Film Festival. The film’s lead performer Nato Murvanidze was named best actress.



The Tiantan awards were presented at a spectacular closing ceremony on Sunday night outside the Chinese capital. In attendance at the closing ceremony, local stars included Huang Bo, actresses Lin Chi-ling and Tong Liya.



The prizes had been decided on by a jury headed by Wong Kar-wai. British wartime drama, “Journey’s End” collected two prizes, one for Paul Bettany as best supporting actor, and another for Hildur Gudnadottir.



Caucasus-set drama, “Dede” also won two prizes. Mariam Khatchvani was named best director, while Konstantin Esadze earned the cinematography prize.



Joe Cole was named best actor in Kim Nguyen’s drone romance “Eye on Juliet.” Mina Sadati was named best supporting actress for her part in “The Searing Summer.”



“Operation Red Sea” was the winner of the best special effects prize. The film has grossed over $578 million to become the second biggest film of all time in China.




Georgian ['dʒɔ:dʒjən]  adj.格鲁吉亚的;(英)乔治亚的;英国乔治王朝时代的;乔治王时代艺术风格的 n. 格鲁吉亚语;乔治亚州人;乔治亚人

Estonian  adj. 爱沙尼亚的 n. 爱沙尼亚语;爱沙尼亚人

lead performer  主演

closing ceremony  闭幕式

in attendance  出席;值班;负责;在照顾,伺候(某人)

decide on  决定;选定

Caucasus [ˈkɔkəsəs]  高加索

cinematography  [,sɪnɪmə'tɒgrəfɪ] 电影摄影术[学];电影制片术[学];电影艺术

gross  adj. 总共的;粗野的;恶劣的;显而易见的 vt. 总共收入n. 总额,总数





invisible poverty-stricken population




"Invisible poverty-stricken population" has become a buzzword on the internet. It refers to people whose consumption exceeds their income.



In big cities such as Beijing, there's a group of people who spend all their money on feel-good and look-at-me things, despite not having the income to do so. Most of them spend all their wages every month, some of them even depend on credit cards for their daily consumption.



But these people are not impoverished people at all. It is their unreasonable consumption that causes their impoverished condition, because their consumption exceeds their income. They lack any sense of money management that is of great importance in people's lives.



It is reasonable for people to aspire to a better lifestyle but people should live within their means. The fact is that these people's income is not low. It is unreasonable to call them "impoverished", as they simply spend more than they earn on things they cannot afford.




invisible poverty-stricken population  隐形贫困人口

buzzword  流行词

daily consumption  日常开支

impoverished  穷困的;用尽了的,无创造性的

live within one’s means  量入为出

of great importance  有着重要意义,十分重要





Kate Middleton gives birth to a baby boy




The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have left hospital after the arrival of their third child, a boy. The couple's second son, who was born at 11:01 BST, weighing 8lb 7oz, is fifth in line to the throne.



Just seven hours after giving birth to her third child, Kate Middleton appeared on the steps of the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital on Monday evening with Prince William by her side to introduce their new baby boy to the world.



The duchess wore a red Jenny Packham dress with a white collar as she left the hospital.



Fashion commentators said that its colours reflected St George's flag, while others saw echoes of Princess Diana, who wore red and white when she left hospital with a newborn Prince Harry in 1984.




duke 公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃

duchess  n.公爵夫人;女公爵;雍容华贵的妇女;小老板娘 vt.(澳)盛情款待;讨好 vi.热情款待;讨好

BST (British Summer Time) 英国夏令时

oz (ounce) 盎司

lb (pound的简写) 磅

give birth to  产生,造成;生孩子




Elizabeth II’s 92nd birthday





Britain's Queen Elizabeth II attended a star-studded special concert on Saturday as the world's oldest and longest-reigning living monarch celebrated her 92nd birthday.



At the end of the night Elizabeth II joined the stage with her son, Prince Charles. He joked that she could not have predicted in 1948, when Charles was born, decades later a 92-year-old queen would be sharing a stage with her 70-year-old son.



Elizabeth II 's real birthday this year came on the tails of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, which brought the leaders of the 53 Commonwealth countries together in England.



The queen usually celebrates her birthday in private, saving the pomp for her official birthday in June, but the concert was held in aid of a new youth charity, The Queen's Commonwealth Trust.



The queen has been the symbolic head of the Commonwealth since her father king George VI's death in 1952, but its leaders agreed on Friday that Prince Charles would eventually succeed her.



As is customary with monarch's birthdays, soldiers from the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery and the Honourable Artillery Company fired gun salutes in London's Hyde Park and the Tower of London earlier on Saturday.




star-studded  明星荟萃的;众星云集的

the Commonwealth  联邦;共和国;团体;协会

in private 私下地

in aid of  用以援助…之用

as is customary with  按照惯例

King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery [ɑː'tɪlərɪ]  皇家炮兵队

Honourable Artillery Company 荣誉炮兵连

gun salute  礼炮





